2024 NETPAC奈派克獎評審:陳志華、倪娃法、洪健倫 |
2024 NETPAC奈派克獎得主:陳小娟《虎毒不》 |
亞洲電影奈派克(NETPAC,The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) 獎,1990年於印度新德里設立,由29個會員國組成的亞洲電影促進聯盟所頒發的獎項,用以獎勵新銳導演。目的在於將亞洲的優秀影片、影人推介到世界級舞台,柏林、鹿特丹以及釜山等國際影展,皆特別設立此獎,鼓勵最佳亞洲電影。 同為國際級的金馬影展,是目前台灣唯一頒予NETPAC獎的影展。作為唯一一個專門推廣電影的泛亞洲組織,NETPAC在增進亞洲電影的世界知名度和能見度上,不論就藝術角度或者商業角度,都扮演了關鍵角色,過往的得獎者包括了侯孝賢、蔡明亮、關錦鵬、許鞍華、賈樟柯、曼多薩還有金基德等人,前瞻性與重要性不言可喻。透過金馬影展NETPAC精選影片引薦,觀眾將能搶先預見亞洲電影未來新趨勢。 The Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) is a worldwide organization of 29 member countries. It was created as the result of a conference on Asian cinema organized by Cinemaya, the Asian Film Quarterly, in New Delhi in 1990 at the instance and with the support of UNESCO, Paris. As the only Pan-Asian organization devoted to cinema, NETPAC gave early expression to the need to acknowledge and recognize the emergence of new cinematic talent among Asians. It took under its wing a quarterly publication, Cinemaya, which provided a forum for mostly Asian critics, writers and scholars to document and evaluate Asian films and subsequently add them to the Asian cinema canon. |
【歷屆得獎名單 Golden Horse Film Festival Netpac Award】
2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
評審 |
得獎影片 & 得獎理由 |
Aruna Vasudev Lorenzo Codelli 陳儒修 |
《庭怨森森》The Unseeable / 泰國 得獎理由: |
謝飛 廖金鳳 PARK Sung Ho |
《最後的時光》The Photograph / 印尼 得獎理由: |
胡思明 Brian Hu 謝楓 Shelly Kraicer 郭力昕 |
《瞎豬想要飛》Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly / 印尼 得獎理由: |
陳美添 Tan Bee Thiam 張偉雄 Bryan Chang 楊元鈴 |
《看似平凡的故事》Mundane History / 泰國 得獎理由: |
李添興 James Lee Jim Park 塗翔文 |
《野蠻的驕傲》Bunohan / 馬來西亞 得獎理由: |
黃國兆 應 亮 陳駿霖 |
《鐵蛋兒的情歌》The Love Songs of Tiedan / 中國 得獎理由: |
Jean Noh Alissa Simon Vincent Malausa |
《瑪麗快樂真快樂》Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy / 泰國 得獎理由: In the form of 3 tweets, as an homage to the film itself... "Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) awards Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy directed by Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit from Thailand …at the 2013 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival for… its freshness, originality & clarity in molding a structural concept into a cinematic portrait of youth & transcending it w/ poetry & humor." |
王君翰 Wang Chun Han 香港電影學者 李詩才 Maggie Lee 侯季然 Hou Chi Jan |
《曲線窈窕菲夢逝》Quick Change / 菲律賓 得獎理由: Featuring audacious and touching performances, Quick Change depicts a warped yet bracingly realistic world in an unvarnished style that nonetheless probes the crazed human mind. |
吳凡 Wu Fan TIDF台灣國際紀錄片影展活動統籌 陳序慶 Nose CHAN Chui Hing 孫紹誼 Sun Shaoyi 電影學者 |
《披薩的滋味》 The Crows Egg /印度 India 得獎理由: For its humourous and sound critique of the impact of global capital on Asian society, with the genuine performance of two kids and fluid cinematography. |
李展鵬 Lei Chin-Pang 郭敏容 Kuo Ming-Jung 台北電影節策展人 黃國兆 Freddie Wong |
《徒刑》Apprentice /新加坡 Singapore 得獎理由: With a tight script and mise-en-scene, the director successfully demonstrated a unique visual style to get inside the character psychology and tackle the issue of death penalty. |
李靜珍 Jinna Lee 瑪拉馬塔 Mara Matta 李幼鸚鵡鵪鶉 Youth AlphonseLeigh |
《告別茉莉》 Malila: The Farewell Flower / 泰國Thailand 得獎理由: For its lyrical film aesthetics and the capacity of reflecting on love and death through a profound philosophical portrait of social and political issues on Thailand. |
坂野優華 Sakano Yuka 朗天 Longtin 項貽斐 Hsiang Yi-fei |
《那些我們想像的愛情》Gusto Kita with All My Hypothalamus /泰國Thailand 得獎理由: 從女性觀點出發,以感性手法探究孤獨男子對性的慾望,包含人道主義的憐憫和對父權秩序的批判。 |
何思穎 Sam Ho |
《金都》 My Prince Edward / 香港 HK For its poignant portrayal of ways the institution of marriage affect the lives of modern women and modern beings, involving social as well as regional issues. |
陳俊蓉Zoë C.J.Chen 張硯拓 Chang Yen-tuo 李家驊 Lee Chia-hua |
《南巫》The Story of Southern Islet / 馬來西亞 Malaysia 張吉安 Chong Keat-aun 得獎理由:影片從童年經驗出發,有別過往的商業靈異視角,仰望人、神、巫共生的家園回憶,敘事從容而成熟,影像風格獨具。 Based on the director's childhood experience, this unconventional supernatural film resurrects memories from home where gods, humans and shaman coexist, combing a well-paced and mature narrative with a unique visual style. |
鴻鴻 Hung Hung |
《少年》May You Stay Forever Young 得獎理由:這是一部不能不拍,卻又不可能拍成的電影,以極低成本,運用虛實交錯的形式,展現出年輕人在艱困環境下抗爭與創作的勇氣。 |
卓男 Cecilia Wong Lai-ming 導演 |
《獨裁的豢養》Autobiography |
陳慧穎 Chen Huei-Yin 電影研究者、台灣國際女性影展策展 韓國茂朱山谷影展副總監暨選片人 |
《但願人長久》Fly Me to the Moon / 香港 Hong Kong / 祝紫嫣 Sasha CHUK
2024 |
倪娃法 Wafa Ghermani 香港影評人、香港電影評論學會理事 台灣電影文字工作者 |
《虎毒不》Montages of a Modern Motherhood / 香港 Hong Kong / 陳小娟 Oliver CHAN Siu-kuen Its intimate thus political perspective offers an unreserved portrayal of contemporary women’s experiences of motherhood. Despite the hardships the heroine endured, the filmmaker’s gentle touch soothes every weary soul. |